It’s Been A Long Time, Without You My Blog…But Now That I’m Thesising I’ll Pick Up Where I Let Off…

While this blog is no long dedicated to writing things down for classroom concerns, it does house most of my thought process for creating what is now the SCMTL–or “The Scholarly Corps of Myth, Tales, and Lore”.

And since I have been granted permission to do a creative thesis to obtain my Master’s, I figured this is the best place to write down and keep track of my [on-going] creation of the project!

Basically, my goal for this thesis is to actually expand the entire world of the SCMTL. The project’s going to be a bear, but I hope it’ll be worth it. I hope the committee that reviews it think’s it’s awesome. Awesome enough for me to try and get it published. Maybe.

Who knows.

All I know is that I’m opening up a gateway for the Children’s Lit department by doing a creative thesis. Because apparently one hasn’t been done in a long time (I think Ramona said something like, 6 years or so). So, if anything, I’m testing the waters to see how it goes. Which is a curse and a blessing. A blessing because there’s nothing for the committee to really based it around (and therefore giving me a bit of the upper hand in the grading department) and a curse because I literally have to make things up as I go and hope that they’re not all “Herr DeBurr what is this I don’t know it’s weird I don’t wike it”.

So, ugh.

But, anyway…

In addition to actually creating the SCMTL, I have to do a rational, proposal, and research.

The proposal is 8 pages long and I have a rough outline of what needs to go in it, I just have to get back to Amanda (my “mentor”? No idea what the proper name is) about something… that I forgot. Clearing my schedule or something. I should probably email her this week.

Then there’s my rational, which explains why I’m doing these things and all the research that’s going into them.
In other words,

  • Metafiction
  • Convergence Culture
  • The Book as Object
  • Modern re-tellings of Myths, Fairy Tales, and Folklore (aka legends. I liked using “Lore” in the title better because RYHMES).

So, yey (because “yay” looks weird) me! I get to research old myths, tales, and lore of my choosing and then explain how metafiction and convergence culture works in modern-day settings! AND THEN the Book as Object–which settles around the format I want to use.
Which is essentially the argument of paper books vs. online “Kindle” books and why people like the feeling of books.


Alright. I think that’s good for an intro paragraph about why I’m kick-starting this blog back up. I doubt it will be read by anyone but me, so yes. Which is good.

Now I’m off to post on Facebook to get a reading of things people would like to know more about so I can begin the elimination process for what myths, tales, and lore I should choose to write about.



Until Next Time,




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