
To begin something signifies bringing life into whatever object, be it living or not, and creating a new world. Being a writer allows one to do this to even the smallest things–hence the name of my blog.
Let’s break it down now:
Plethora: An overabundance or excess of something. Certainly an interesting looking and sounding word, isn’t it? Maybe that’s why it attracts the mind and bewitches it; the same way “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” did when you were a child…
Demiurgic: the artificer of the world or a supernatural being imagined as creating the world in subordination to the Supreme Being, and something regarded as “the originator of evil”. I guess when put that way, it can be looked at funny…still, it is a synonym for “creative”, and for good reason too. What other way can one call a writer–be that person a writer of fiction, prose, or poetry–then a creator of a new world? As far as being “the originator of evil” goes, does not certain writing make one weep? Become joyful? Or even excited? How about angry? To feel anything, or even “all the things” is evil indeed. Human emotions are a curse and burden to have–they are evil–but that does not make them not necessary. One must suffer a world of evil to be able to appreciate that of happiness and joy.
Imagination: the faculty of producing ideal creations consistent with reality. If one wishes to write; to write anything at all, one must have imagination. And if you are an unlucky person that does not possess such awesomeness, I pity you greatly and only hope you can tap into your inner childhood and recollect what it is like to be able to create things in your head that are as real to you as the world that surrounds you now. Imagination is a wonderful thing to have, no matter what age, race, religion, gender, sex, or anything else you may be are.

When placing these all together, you get my blog title, “A Plethora of Demiurgic Imagination”, translated simply as an “excess of infinite creation of worlds, images, and everything and anything else your mind can think of”.
It’s spooky how much power words have if you think about it.
And the best way to think about anything, I say, is late at night when there’s nothing on TV or you’re bored, in the shower, or several other things that one must really use their own imagination to imagine.


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